Enyekala (Must Test)—World Of Ice & Stone

You must test survival, upon the coldest sea.

Player Chatlog

This log includes player chat and public server messages. The same chat is visible here that would be visible to you if you were logged into the server with the Minetest client. This page shows the most recent chat from today by default; fill in the date field to view chat from any other day.

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Select date to show log from, or leave empty to view the most recent chat from today. Note: there are no logs before 2017/07/03. That’s the date the chatlog was implemented.

Displaying log from today.

[2024/10/11, 04:31:25 UTC]    <opossumpz> that i have done
[2024/10/11, 04:31:37 UTC]    <opossumpz> i just need food now xD
[2024/10/11, 04:31:43 UTC]    *** <itslio> joined the game.
[2024/10/11, 04:31:43 UTC]    # Server: Player <itslio> is engaged in a Survival Challenge.
[2024/10/11, 04:32:05 UTC]    # Server: Items placed in itemframes or pedestals may occasionally become invisible. Punch with a stick to restore them.
[2024/10/11, 04:32:14 UTC]    <opossumpz> been mining with half a heart for too long ;)
[2024/10/11, 04:32:21 UTC]    *** <ARIA> joined the game.
[2024/10/11, 04:32:27 UTC]    <kingtux> food is important, but if you need to, you can put all your stuff in a chest and kill yourself to reset to half-full
[2024/10/11, 04:32:35 UTC]    # Server: A Stone Golem died from an offended explorer's horrid slaying.
[2024/10/11, 04:32:44 UTC]    <opossumpz> too inconvient to do sadly
[2024/10/11, 04:33:05 UTC]    # Server: An explorer brutally owned a Stone Golem with great prejudice.
[2024/10/11, 04:33:18 UTC]    *** <Ascas> joined the game.
[2024/10/11, 04:33:34 UTC]    <kingtux> chests only cost wood, which you can get a lot of if you try
[2024/10/11, 04:33:47 UTC]    # Server: Blackbox detected. <Kevin_XD> perished at (Outback: -33,41,-66).
[2024/10/11, 04:33:47 UTC]    # Server: <Kevin_XD> fell.
[2024/10/11, 04:33:55 UTC]    <Ascas> yoo :D
[2024/10/11, 04:33:58 UTC]    <kingtux> hi
[2024/10/11, 04:34:06 UTC]    <Ascas> ello
[2024/10/11, 04:34:16 UTC]    <Kevin_XD> hi
[2024/10/11, 04:34:18 UTC]    # Server: An explorer successfully got a Stone Golem to complain of a headache.
[2024/10/11, 04:34:25 UTC]    <opossumpz> hmm true i could just farm dirty bones by kms alot
[2024/10/11, 04:34:39 UTC]    <opossumpz> idk if it worth it tho
[2024/10/11, 04:34:40 UTC]    *** <ARIA> left the game.
[2024/10/11, 04:34:56 UTC]    <Ascas> yo kevin
[2024/10/11, 04:34:58 UTC]    # Server: Ritual box detected. <opossumpz> bit the dust at (Overworld: -49,-351,-15193).
[2024/10/11, 04:35:03 UTC]    <opossumpz> ouch
[2024/10/11, 04:35:06 UTC]    <Ascas> wait up
[2024/10/11, 04:35:07 UTC]    <kingtux> i have done that, but i'd recommend inviting natives to a pool party
[2024/10/11, 04:35:16 UTC]    <opossumpz> xD
[2024/10/11, 04:35:27 UTC]    <opossumpz> a lil festival
[2024/10/11, 04:35:36 UTC]    <Ascas> kevin
[2024/10/11, 04:35:37 UTC]    # Server: Bonebox beacon detected. <Kevin_XD> perished at (Outback: -1,79,-39).
[2024/10/11, 04:35:37 UTC]    # Server: <Kevin_XD> was killed by a protection block.
[2024/10/11, 04:35:38 UTC]    <kingtux> 2 deep, 2 wide, filled with water, surrounding your place
[2024/10/11, 04:35:48 UTC]    <Ascas> you're getting hurt cuz ur mining the protected
[2024/10/11, 04:35:49 UTC]    <Ascas> -area ;_;
[2024/10/11, 04:35:51 UTC]    <kingtux> make sure it's easy to get up
[2024/10/11, 04:36:11 UTC]    <opossumpz> maybe ill try that when i can set up my farm
[2024/10/11, 04:36:27 UTC]    <kingtux> yeah, and remember that weak shovels lose dirt
[2024/10/11, 04:36:33 UTC]    # Server: Bonebox signal detected. <Ascas> croaked at (Outback: 94,89,-81).
[2024/10/11, 04:36:33 UTC]    # Server: <Ascas> was savagely finished off by a Swinepig.
[2024/10/11, 04:36:34 UTC]    <opossumpz> first step is to get some water on the surface ;-;
[2024/10/11, 04:36:43 UTC]    *** <Ascas> left the game. (Rage-quit.)
[2024/10/11, 04:36:53 UTC]    <kingtux> or, if you're just a little above 0, you can dig down a bit
[2024/10/11, 04:37:16 UTC]    <opossumpz> yeah i tried that but for somereason it doesnt grow
[2024/10/11, 04:37:24 UTC]    <kingtux> otherwise you need to place ice and cover them with torches
[2024/10/11, 04:37:34 UTC]    <kingtux> make sure it's open to the sky
[2024/10/11, 04:37:36 UTC]    <opossumpz> maybe i need to dig a pit so that sunlight can reach?
[2024/10/11, 04:37:55 UTC]    <opossumpz> i have an idea now :D
[2024/10/11, 04:38:00 UTC]    *** <Kevin_XD> left the game.
[2024/10/11, 04:38:31 UTC]    <opossumpz> also lava is a pain
[2024/10/11, 04:39:03 UTC]    # Server: Player <opossumpz> claimed his own fresh bones at (Overworld: -49,-351,-15193) with 21 stacks.
[2024/10/11, 04:40:48 UTC]    <opossumpz> woah
[2024/10/11, 04:40:53 UTC]    <kingtux> yeah, lava isn't an early game resource
[2024/10/11, 04:41:01 UTC]    <opossumpz> i cant tell if that would be sulfer or gold
[2024/10/11, 04:41:07 UTC]    <kingtux> it's way deadlier here than normal
[2024/10/11, 04:41:07 UTC]    <opossumpz> some kind of yellow ore
[2024/10/11, 04:41:20 UTC]    <opossumpz> its like all surrounded by lava
[2024/10/11, 04:41:21 UTC]    <kingtux> sulfur is near lava
[2024/10/11, 04:41:28 UTC]    <kingtux> there's gold and fool's gold
[2024/10/11, 04:41:31 UTC]    <opossumpz> delicious
[2024/10/11, 04:41:40 UTC]    <kingtux> if it's on the surface, it's fool's gold
[2024/10/11, 04:41:42 UTC]    # Server: Talk from someone hidden in case of uninteresting language.
[2024/10/11, 04:41:47 UTC]    <opossumpz> oop
[2024/10/11, 04:42:00 UTC]    <opossumpz> no way in heck i can get it without dying tho
[2024/10/11, 04:42:16 UTC]    <opossumpz> is lava useful?
[2024/10/11, 04:42:26 UTC]    <kingtux> yeah, but super dangerous
[2024/10/11, 04:42:49 UTC]    <opossumpz> imma avoid til next year xD
[2024/10/11, 04:44:38 UTC]    # Server: Player <kingtux>'s unstable structure has collapsed!
[2024/10/11, 04:44:42 UTC]    <opossumpz> GOLLD :DD
[2024/10/11, 04:47:09 UTC]    <opossumpz> still no mese crystals :(
[2024/10/11, 04:48:01 UTC]    <opossumpz> the deep caves are unnerving
[2024/10/11, 04:49:04 UTC]    <opossumpz> that is actually scary
[2024/10/11, 04:49:21 UTC]    <opossumpz> im in this cave and it leads down into this void
[2024/10/11, 04:49:48 UTC]    <kingtux> i don't find deep caves that unnerving, but the actual nether (not the outback) is very unnerving
[2024/10/11, 04:49:54 UTC]    # Server: An explorer made a splortching sound with a Stone Golem's head.
[2024/10/11, 04:49:54 UTC]    <opossumpz> oof
[2024/10/11, 04:50:27 UTC]    <opossumpz> i think its just the ambiance music thats playing XD
[2024/10/11, 04:50:31 UTC]    <opossumpz> spooky
[2024/10/11, 04:50:49 UTC]    <opossumpz> and that the lighting in this game is more darker
[2024/10/11, 04:51:12 UTC]    <opossumpz> the fear of the unknown
[2024/10/11, 04:51:12 UTC]    <kingtux> there's something about catching fire if you are too low that's really unsettling
[2024/10/11, 04:51:22 UTC]    <opossumpz> also that too xD
[2024/10/11, 04:51:27 UTC]    <kingtux> also catching fire if you're too close to lava
[2024/10/11, 04:51:40 UTC]    <opossumpz> happened to me three time xD
[2024/10/11, 04:52:09 UTC]    # Server: Player <opossumpz>'s structure offended the physics rules!
[2024/10/11, 04:52:11 UTC]    <kingtux> and once i thought i had the nether figured out, i found out that evil netherrack exists and you fall right through it
[2024/10/11, 04:52:13 UTC]    # Server: Bonebox detected. <opossumpz> suffered corporeal malfunction at (Overworld: -285,-622,-15113).
[2024/10/11, 04:52:13 UTC]    # Server: <opossumpz> fell.
[2024/10/11, 04:52:20 UTC]    # Server: An explorer ended a Stone Golem with his 'Diamond Sword'.
[2024/10/11, 04:52:30 UTC]    <opossumpz> dangg that is deep
[2024/10/11, 04:52:40 UTC]    <kingtux> don't jump
[2024/10/11, 04:52:53 UTC]    <opossumpz> imma use a water- no wait i had my water on me :D
[2024/10/11, 04:53:05 UTC]    <kingtux> hmm...
[2024/10/11, 04:53:10 UTC]    <opossumpz> hmm
[2024/10/11, 04:53:26 UTC]    <opossumpz> i was bridging and forgot that cobble isnt ideal for bridging
[2024/10/11, 04:53:41 UTC]    <kingtux> it isn't just cobble
[2024/10/11, 04:53:44 UTC]    # Server: A furious explorer used his 'Automated Arbalest' to murder a Shard Bat with prejudice.
[2024/10/11, 04:53:59 UTC]    <opossumpz> hmmm
[2024/10/11, 04:54:08 UTC]    <kingtux> if you build a bridge that's 2 wide, it's very unlikely to fall apart while you're on it
[2024/10/11, 04:54:14 UTC]    # Server: An explorer pinned a Stone Golem to the wall with his 'Diamond Sword'.
[2024/10/11, 04:54:30 UTC]    <opossumpz> so it depends on how many blocks its connected to :o
[2024/10/11, 04:54:46 UTC]    <kingtux> yeah, that's how the cave-in system works
[2024/10/11, 04:55:07 UTC]    # Server: An Iceland Native fought <kingtux> to the death and lost painfully.
[2024/10/11, 04:55:16 UTC]    <opossumpz> hmm i gotta think about caving differently
[2024/10/11, 04:55:23 UTC]    <kingtux> yeah
[2024/10/11, 04:55:30 UTC]    *** <LordOfTheRelams> joined the game.
[2024/10/11, 04:55:50 UTC]    <kingtux> also instead of building a 1x1 tower to get up, build 2x1, unless it's connected to a wall
[2024/10/11, 04:56:12 UTC]    <opossumpz> just dont build 1x1 unless theres a wall xD
[2024/10/11, 04:56:43 UTC]    <opossumpz> so ideally 1x2 :D
[2024/10/11, 04:56:47 UTC]    <kingtux> yeah
[2024/10/11, 04:57:14 UTC]    <kingtux> you can generally get away with 1x1 if it's up to 3 or maybe 4 blocks high
[2024/10/11, 04:57:25 UTC]    # Server: An explorer eliminated an Iceland Native.
[2024/10/11, 04:57:52 UTC]    <opossumpz> just slightly more realistic when it comes to blocks
[2024/10/11, 04:59:36 UTC]    <opossumpz> ooo lava means i may obtain obsidian :D
[2024/10/11, 04:59:52 UTC]    <opossumpz> if it works like in minecraft ofc
[2024/10/11, 05:00:13 UTC]    <kingtux> true
[2024/10/11, 05:00:23 UTC]    # Server: Restarting in 60 minutes.
[2024/10/11, 05:00:50 UTC]    <kingtux> still, it also means that you'll probably catch fire and lose half of your health if you're within 2 or maybe 3 blocks of it
[2024/10/11, 05:01:03 UTC]    <opossumpz> also true xD
[2024/10/11, 05:01:07 UTC]    # Server: <LordOfTheRelams> has plane shifted to Overworld.
[2024/10/11, 05:01:10 UTC]    <opossumpz> what helps with fire?
[2024/10/11, 05:02:09 UTC]    # Server: Player <LordOfTheRelams> claimed its own old bones at (Overworld: -3248,75,-12315) with 19 stacks.
[2024/10/11, 05:02:35 UTC]    <opossumpz> this cave gives me that weird gut feeling whenever im too high up xD
[2024/10/11, 05:02:57 UTC]    # Server: Death signal detected. <opossumpz> ended life at (Overworld: -274,-564,-15114).
[2024/10/11, 05:02:57 UTC]    # Server: <opossumpz> fell.
[2024/10/11, 05:03:06 UTC]    <opossumpz> dang
[2024/10/11, 05:04:20 UTC]    <kingtux> opossumpz: fire can be countered with fire fruit, but its protection goes away quickly enough that you also want meat or some means of healing
[2024/10/11, 05:04:47 UTC]    <opossumpz> so medkit and fire fruit :D
[2024/10/11, 05:04:56 UTC]    <kingtux> yeah
[2024/10/11, 05:04:58 UTC]    <opossumpz> and meat buff
[2024/10/11, 05:05:06 UTC]    <kingtux> exactly
[2024/10/11, 05:05:43 UTC]    <kingtux> also avysium herb can heal 4 hearts, and you don't need to stay still while it's healing you
[2024/10/11, 05:05:43 UTC]    <opossumpz> well back into the hole of dispair
[2024/10/11, 05:06:06 UTC]    <opossumpz> despair
[2024/10/11, 05:06:44 UTC]    <kingtux> well, now i have enough power to upgrade my whole electrical grid to MV
[2024/10/11, 05:07:03 UTC]    <opossumpz> im assuming that means mega-voltage
[2024/10/11, 05:07:11 UTC]    <kingtux> medium-voltage
[2024/10/11, 05:07:15 UTC]    <opossumpz> oh
[2024/10/11, 05:07:21 UTC]    <opossumpz> i see
[2024/10/11, 05:08:06 UTC]    # Server: Mapgen scrambling. Blame <opossumpz> for lag. Chunks: 10.
[2024/10/11, 05:09:16 UTC]    <kingtux> i have around 1000 EU/s now
[2024/10/11, 05:09:30 UTC]    <LordOfTheRelams> hi
[2024/10/11, 05:09:46 UTC]    <opossumpz> hi
[2024/10/11, 05:09:56 UTC]    <opossumpz> im scared to go down
[2024/10/11, 05:10:00 UTC]    <kingtux> hi
[2024/10/11, 05:10:18 UTC]    # Server: Death beacon detected. <opossumpz> croaked at (Overworld: -274,-563,-15114).
[2024/10/11, 05:10:18 UTC]    # Server: <opossumpz> was wrecked by water pressure.
[2024/10/11, 05:10:23 UTC]    <kingtux> don't go anywhere you can't see
[2024/10/11, 05:10:26 UTC]    <opossumpz> dang
[2024/10/11, 05:10:34 UTC]    <kingtux> also water pressure can kill you quickly
[2024/10/11, 05:10:38 UTC]    <opossumpz> hmm how am i gonna get my bones
[2024/10/11, 05:10:50 UTC]    <opossumpz> imma try free falling into water
[2024/10/11, 05:11:16 UTC]    <opossumpz> is there a way i can drop a light :o
[2024/10/11, 05:11:35 UTC]    <kingtux> if you're using water to get down safely, place the water, wait a bit, then pick it back up
[2024/10/11, 05:11:45 UTC]    <kingtux> then be sure to stay on top of the water as it falls
[2024/10/11, 05:11:53 UTC]    <opossumpz> ah i see
[2024/10/11, 05:12:07 UTC]    <opossumpz> i wouldnt have thought of that xD
[2024/10/11, 05:13:02 UTC]    <kingtux> also, search the crafting guide for cushion, which can break your fall if it isn't too far
[2024/10/11, 05:13:19 UTC]    <kingtux> and then there's rope boxes
[2024/10/11, 05:13:29 UTC]    <kingtux> those can help a lot too
[2024/10/11, 05:13:45 UTC]    <opossumpz> imma need to farm some cotton later for those
[2024/10/11, 05:13:49 UTC]    <kingtux> yeah
[2024/10/11, 05:13:55 UTC]    <opossumpz> def a good idea
[2024/10/11, 05:14:08 UTC]    <kingtux> for sure
[2024/10/11, 05:14:27 UTC]    <kingtux> now you know that you can always use more cotton
[2024/10/11, 05:19:37 UTC]    # Server: Player <opossumpz> claimed his own old bones at (Overworld: -274,-563,-15114) with 1 stack.
[2024/10/11, 05:20:11 UTC]    <opossumpz> dang again
[2024/10/11, 05:20:47 UTC]    <opossumpz> its too hard to see maybe its a better idea to not rush in
[2024/10/11, 05:22:16 UTC]    <opossumpz> at least i know how deeper it is xD
[2024/10/11, 05:23:02 UTC]    # Server: Mapgen scrambling. Blame <opossumpz> for lag. Chunks: 9.
[2024/10/11, 05:26:46 UTC]    *** <itslio> left the game.
[2024/10/11, 05:27:11 UTC]    *** <lilfresh> joined the game.
[2024/10/11, 05:33:11 UTC]    # Server: Mapgen scrambling. Blame <opossumpz> for lag. Chunks: 11.
[2024/10/11, 05:34:39 UTC]    # Server: A Stone Golem got himself some serious hurt from <opossumpz>'s 'Copper Pickaxe'.
[2024/10/11, 05:35:22 UTC]    # Server: Player <opossumpz> claimed his own old bones at (Overworld: -285,-622,-15113) with 24 stacks.
[2024/10/11, 05:35:43 UTC]    <opossumpz> OOOO
[2024/10/11, 05:35:47 UTC]    <opossumpz> made it :D
[2024/10/11, 05:35:59 UTC]    <opossumpz> this is making me sweat
[2024/10/11, 05:36:59 UTC]    <opossumpz> its just such a massive cave and i dont think i have enough torches for this xD
[2024/10/11, 05:40:00 UTC]    # Server: A Stone Golem fought an explorer to the death and lost painfully.
[2024/10/11, 05:42:50 UTC]    # Server: Mapgen scrambling. Blame <Flexo> for lag. Chunks: 5.
[2024/10/11, 05:43:28 UTC]    *** <qwe> joined the game.
[2024/10/11, 05:43:56 UTC]    # Server: <qwe> was kicked off the server.
[2024/10/11, 05:43:56 UTC]    *** <qwe> left the game.
[2024/10/11, 05:44:52 UTC]    # Server: Mapgen scrambling. Blame <opossumpz> for lag. Chunks: 9.
[2024/10/11, 05:46:12 UTC]    <opossumpz> does emergency recall make you lose all your items
[2024/10/11, 05:46:29 UTC]    <opossumpz> i dont really have a way out of this cave :D
[2024/10/11, 05:46:34 UTC]    <kingtux> i don't think so
[2024/10/11, 05:46:38 UTC]    <opossumpz> oki
[2024/10/11, 05:46:40 UTC]    <opossumpz> imma try it
[2024/10/11, 05:46:45 UTC]    <kingtux> good luck
[2024/10/11, 05:46:58 UTC]    <opossumpz> phew it worked
[2024/10/11, 05:47:13 UTC]    <LordOfTheRelams> just found a lux crystal
[2024/10/11, 05:47:20 UTC]    <opossumpz> nothing lost except for 25% of my xp
[2024/10/11, 05:47:24 UTC]    <opossumpz> nice :D
[2024/10/11, 05:47:49 UTC]    <kingtux> good to know that you lose 25% though
[2024/10/11, 05:48:03 UTC]    <opossumpz> dang the deeper caves are just so much more agoraphobic than i expected xD
[2024/10/11, 05:48:34 UTC]    # Server: Blackbox detected. <opossumpz> failed survival lessons at (Overworld: -107,8,-15309).
[2024/10/11, 05:48:34 UTC]    # Server: <opossumpz> fell.
[2024/10/11, 05:48:39 UTC]    <opossumpz> ouch
[2024/10/11, 05:48:45 UTC]    <opossumpz> my floor just broke
[2024/10/11, 05:49:01 UTC]    <lilfresh> you need protection blocks
[2024/10/11, 05:49:19 UTC]    <opossumpz> hmm
[2024/10/11, 05:49:22 UTC]    <opossumpz> maybe
[2024/10/11, 05:49:26 UTC]    # Server: Restarting in 11 minutes.
[2024/10/11, 05:50:02 UTC]    # Server: Restarting in 10 minutes.
[2024/10/11, 05:50:32 UTC]    # Server: Death signal detected. <opossumpz> became somewhat dead at (Overworld: -108,7,-15308).
[2024/10/11, 05:50:32 UTC]    # Server: Player <opossumpz> was crushed to death.
[2024/10/11, 05:50:40 UTC]    <opossumpz> dang my floor broke again
[2024/10/11, 05:50:52 UTC]    <opossumpz> is wood okay to use as flooring?
[2024/10/11, 05:51:03 UTC]    # Server: Restarting in 9 minutes.
[2024/10/11, 05:51:14 UTC]    <lilfresh> yes
[2024/10/11, 05:51:27 UTC]    <opossumpz> well it keeps falling into my basement xD
[2024/10/11, 05:51:41 UTC]    <lilfresh> protection prevents it from falling
[2024/10/11, 05:52:03 UTC]    # Server: Restarting in 8 minutes.
[2024/10/11, 05:52:20 UTC]    <opossumpz> ooo okie
[2024/10/11, 05:52:25 UTC]    <opossumpz> good to know
[2024/10/11, 05:52:26 UTC]    <lilfresh> yes
[2024/10/11, 05:53:04 UTC]    # Server: Restarting in 7 minutes.
[2024/10/11, 05:53:51 UTC]    <LordOfTheRelams> gn guys
[2024/10/11, 05:54:05 UTC]    <lilfresh> gn
[2024/10/11, 05:54:05 UTC]    # Server: Restarting in 6 minutes.
[2024/10/11, 05:54:09 UTC]    <opossumpz> gn lord of the relams
[2024/10/11, 05:55:01 UTC]    # Server: Restarting in 5 minutes.
[2024/10/11, 05:56:02 UTC]    # Server: Restarting in 4 minutes.
[2024/10/11, 05:57:03 UTC]    # Server: Restarting in 3 minutes.
[2024/10/11, 05:58:04 UTC]    # Server: Restarting in 2 minutes.
[2024/10/11, 05:58:29 UTC]    *** <LordOfTheRelams> left the game.
[2024/10/11, 05:59:05 UTC]    # Server: Restarting in 1 minute.
[2024/10/11, 05:59:31 UTC]    *** <opossumpz> left the game.
[2024/10/11, 05:59:41 UTC]    # Server: Restart in 19 seconds.
[2024/10/11, 05:59:42 UTC]    # Server: Restart in 18 seconds.
[2024/10/11, 05:59:43 UTC]    # Server: Restart in 17 seconds.
[2024/10/11, 05:59:44 UTC]    # Server: Restart in 16 seconds.
[2024/10/11, 05:59:45 UTC]    # Server: Restart in 15 seconds.
[2024/10/11, 05:59:46 UTC]    # Server: Restart in 14 seconds.
[2024/10/11, 05:59:47 UTC]    # Server: Restart in 13 seconds.
[2024/10/11, 05:59:48 UTC]    # Server: Restart in 12 seconds.
[2024/10/11, 05:59:49 UTC]    # Server: Restart in 11 seconds.
[2024/10/11, 05:59:51 UTC]    # Server: Restart in 9 seconds.
[2024/10/11, 05:59:52 UTC]    # Server: Restart in 8 seconds.
[2024/10/11, 05:59:53 UTC]    # Server: Restart in 7 seconds.
[2024/10/11, 05:59:54 UTC]    # Server: Restart in 6 seconds.
[2024/10/11, 05:59:55 UTC]    # Server: Restart in 5 seconds.
[2024/10/11, 05:59:56 UTC]    # Server: Have a gripe or a doubt? Feel free to speak out at http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?t=16087. No spam, please.
[2024/10/11, 05:59:56 UTC]    # Server: Restart in 4 seconds.
[2024/10/11, 05:59:57 UTC]    # Server: Restart in 3 seconds.
[2024/10/11, 05:59:58 UTC]    # Server: Restart in 2 seconds.
[2024/10/11, 05:59:59 UTC]    # Server: Restart in 1 second.
[2024/10/11, 06:00:00 UTC]    # Server: RESTART IMMINENT - WAITING FOR OS SIGNAL.
[2024/10/11, 06:00:01 UTC]    # Server: Normal shutdown. Everybody off!
[2024/10/11, 06:00:05 UTC]    # Server: Startup complete.
[2024/10/11, 06:00:23 UTC]    *** <kingtux> joined the game.
[2024/10/11, 06:01:05 UTC]    # Server: Nightly restart in 24 hours.
[2024/10/11, 06:01:06 UTC]    *** <lilfresh> joined the game.
[2024/10/11, 06:19:05 UTC]    *** <q> joined the game.
[2024/10/11, 06:20:53 UTC]    <lilfresh> q can you tell me where the tp hub is located?
[2024/10/11, 06:21:03 UTC]    <q> yes
[2024/10/11, 06:21:08 UTC]    <q> go to eezy shop
[2024/10/11, 06:21:14 UTC]    <q> and you will find a teleporter
[2024/10/11, 06:21:22 UTC]    <q> that teleport can lead you to the teleporter hub
[2024/10/11, 06:21:33 UTC]    <lilfresh> ok ty
[2024/10/11, 06:21:39 UTC]    <kingtux> gn guys
[2024/10/11, 06:21:46 UTC]    <lilfresh> gn
[2024/10/11, 06:21:58 UTC]    <q> seya
[2024/10/11, 06:22:07 UTC]    *** <kingtux> left the game.
[2024/10/11, 06:23:45 UTC]    <q> y found it?
[2024/10/11, 06:23:59 UTC]    <lilfresh> no I'm trap here need to skip night
[2024/10/11, 06:24:10 UTC]    <q> ow ok
[2024/10/11, 06:24:10 UTC]    <lilfresh> ice natives outside
[2024/10/11, 06:24:15 UTC]    <q> let me sleep
[2024/10/11, 06:24:15 UTC]    *** <Mango> joined the game.
[2024/10/11, 06:24:38 UTC]    <Mango> hello girls!
[2024/10/11, 06:24:57 UTC]    <q> says the biggest girl of them all...
[2024/10/11, 06:25:08 UTC]    <lilfresh> I'm trying to get to this location -6893, 14029...
[2024/10/11, 06:25:09 UTC]    <q> can u sleep Mango
[2024/10/11, 06:25:25 UTC]    <lilfresh> ty guys
[2024/10/11, 06:25:36 UTC]    <Mango> lilfresh: should be super easy, as close to TP
[2024/10/11, 06:25:40 UTC]    <q> i think theres a location near that yeah
[2024/10/11, 06:25:47 UTC]    <lilfresh> ok
[2024/10/11, 06:27:21 UTC]    <lilfresh> I'm doing Cavern challenge on itslio account, and I'm almost to surface.... -1723 to be exact so I'm using my account to go dig down till I meet the depth
[2024/10/11, 06:27:53 UTC]    <q> dont you have teleports?
[2024/10/11, 06:28:26 UTC]    # Server: A bitter explorer took revenge on a Sheep.
[2024/10/11, 06:28:34 UTC]    <lilfresh> no didn't find enough diamond to make one
[2024/10/11, 06:28:48 UTC]    <q> trade kiosk ??
[2024/10/11, 06:29:16 UTC]    <lilfresh> I want to be able to go back to the base in Cavern...
[2024/10/11, 06:29:28 UTC]    <q> aah i see
[2024/10/11, 06:29:32 UTC]    <lilfresh> nope didn't either
[2024/10/11, 06:30:13 UTC]    <q> you could trade yourself diamonds
[2024/10/11, 06:30:20 UTC]    *** <Mango> left the game.
[2024/10/11, 06:30:44 UTC]    <lilfresh> huh?
[2024/10/11, 06:30:55 UTC]    <q> well trade kiosk in the cave
[2024/10/11, 06:31:00 UTC]    <q> trade kiosk on top
[2024/10/11, 06:31:09 UTC]    <q> and you got yourself the diamonds
[2024/10/11, 06:31:35 UTC]    <lilfresh> I tried that when I was doin challeng on this account it was out of range
[2024/10/11, 06:31:53 UTC]    <q> wierd...
[2024/10/11, 06:32:14 UTC]    <q> midfield?
[2024/10/11, 06:32:55 UTC]    *** <Mango> joined the game.
[2024/10/11, 06:33:05 UTC]    <lilfresh> nope

Displaying log from today.