Enyekala (Must Test)—World Of Ice & Stone

You must test survival, upon the coldest sea.

Player Chatlog

This log includes player chat and public server messages. The same chat is visible here that would be visible to you if you were logged into the server with the Minetest client. This page shows the most recent chat from today by default; fill in the date field to view chat from any other day.

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Select date to show log from, or leave empty to view the most recent chat from today. Note: there are no logs before 2017/07/03. That’s the date the chatlog was implemented.

Displaying log from today.

[2025/02/09, 15:34:17 UTC]    <LGNWolfChaser> Midfeld resets soonish
[2025/02/09, 15:35:41 UTC]    *** <Mango> joined the game.
[2025/02/09, 15:36:51 UTC]    # Server: Mapgen scrambling. Blame <kievski> for lag. Chunks: 5.
[2025/02/09, 15:39:07 UTC]    *** <Mango_temp1> joined the game.
[2025/02/09, 15:40:04 UTC]    # Server: Player <black_worker> claimed <Ivan>'s old bones at (Outback: -2,1,-36) with 1 stack.
[2025/02/09, 15:40:10 UTC]    *** <Mango_temp1> left the game.
[2025/02/09, 15:40:35 UTC]    # Server: An irate <black_worker>'s 'Mese Sword' apparently wasn't such an unusual weapon after all, as a Black-Hearted Oerkki found out.
[2025/02/09, 15:40:36 UTC]    *** <Mango> left the game.
[2025/02/09, 15:41:38 UTC]    # Server: A Black-Hearted Oerkki was barbarously annihilated.
[2025/02/09, 15:42:07 UTC]    # Server: <black_worker> made sure a Black-Hearted Oerkki didn't see that coming!
[2025/02/09, 15:44:51 UTC]    # Server: Mapgen scrambling. Blame <taco77> for lag. Chunks: 24.
[2025/02/09, 15:45:34 UTC]    # Server: A Black-Hearted Oerkki didn't suspect that a vexed <black_worker> meant him any grief.
[2025/02/09, 15:52:25 UTC]    # Server: Mapgen scrambling. Blame <taco77> for lag. Chunks: 16.
[2025/02/09, 15:54:36 UTC]    *** <taco77> left the game.
[2025/02/09, 16:00:53 UTC]    # Server: Nightly restart in 15 hours.
[2025/02/09, 16:05:39 UTC]    # Server: <black_worker> has plane shifted to Overworld.
[2025/02/09, 16:08:20 UTC]    *** <Prairiesky> joined the game.
[2025/02/09, 16:08:33 UTC]    <kievski> Hi Prairiesky
[2025/02/09, 16:08:55 UTC]    <Prairiesky> hi kievski, hi everyone!
[2025/02/09, 16:09:10 UTC]    <Feral> ola
[2025/02/09, 16:11:21 UTC]    *** <YizuSsj> joined the game.
[2025/02/09, 16:11:25 UTC]    *** <taco77> joined the game.
[2025/02/09, 16:11:58 UTC]    # Server: Mapgen scrambling. Blame <taco77> for lag. Chunks: 6.
[2025/02/09, 16:12:01 UTC]    <YizuSsj> hello
[2025/02/09, 16:12:07 UTC]    # Server: Player <YizuSsj> claimed <belin78>'s old bones at (Outback: -50,69,59) with 7 stacks.
[2025/02/09, 16:12:09 UTC]    <taco77> hi
[2025/02/09, 16:12:55 UTC]    <YizuSsj> i dont understand thys server?
[2025/02/09, 16:13:16 UTC]    <Feral> whats to understand?
[2025/02/09, 16:13:36 UTC]    <YizuSsj> all
[2025/02/09, 16:13:49 UTC]    <Feral> none of it?
[2025/02/09, 16:14:04 UTC]    # Server: Bonebox signal detected. <YizuSsj> suffered corporeal malfunction at (Outback: -2,1,-36).
[2025/02/09, 16:14:04 UTC]    # Server: <YizuSsj> fell.
[2025/02/09, 16:14:24 UTC]    <Feral> theres lesson one...gravity works
[2025/02/09, 16:14:57 UTC]    <YizuSsj> yes
[2025/02/09, 16:15:02 UTC]    # Server: Mapgen scrambling. Blame <taco77> for lag. Chunks: 12.
[2025/02/09, 16:16:01 UTC]    <Feral> so u understand one aspect ;)
[2025/02/09, 16:16:59 UTC]    *** <YizuSsj> left the game.
[2025/02/09, 16:17:13 UTC]    <Prairiesky> hmmmm
[2025/02/09, 16:17:24 UTC]    # Server: Mapgen scrambling. Blame <taco77> for lag. Chunks: 17.
[2025/02/09, 16:17:27 UTC]    <Feral> wow some folks just need all the info on a plate
[2025/02/09, 16:17:40 UTC]    <Prairiesky> i guess!
[2025/02/09, 16:22:20 UTC]    # Server: A Stone Golem SAW an explorer coming with its 'Mese Marauder'. Didn't get away in time.
[2025/02/09, 16:24:36 UTC]    # Server: Mapgen scrambling. Blame <kievski> for lag. Chunks: 9.
[2025/02/09, 16:34:46 UTC]    # Server: Mapgen scrambling. Blame <taco77> for lag. Chunks: 10.
[2025/02/09, 16:35:55 UTC]    *** <black_worker> left the game.
[2025/02/09, 16:36:03 UTC]    *** <Quiet> joined the game.
[2025/02/09, 16:36:18 UTC]    <Prairiesky> hi Quiet
[2025/02/09, 16:36:24 UTC]    <Quiet> hello :)
[2025/02/09, 16:40:10 UTC]    # Server: Mapgen scrambling. Blame <taco77> for lag. Chunks: 6.
[2025/02/09, 16:42:17 UTC]    *** <Juniper> joined the game.
[2025/02/09, 16:42:50 UTC]    <Juniper> Hello guys!
[2025/02/09, 16:43:08 UTC]    <Quiet> hello Juniper
[2025/02/09, 16:46:17 UTC]    *** <taco77> left the game.
[2025/02/09, 16:51:12 UTC]    # Server: A Giant White Wolf made no real attempt to get out of an explorer's way.
[2025/02/09, 16:57:03 UTC]    *** <test63> joined the game.
[2025/02/09, 16:57:19 UTC]    # Server: Fallen blocks can be dug by anyone, even in protected areas.
[2025/02/09, 17:00:15 UTC]    *** <Mango> joined the game.
[2025/02/09, 17:00:53 UTC]    <Mango> hello Juniper
[2025/02/09, 17:00:58 UTC]    # Server: Nightly restart in 14 hours.
[2025/02/09, 17:01:01 UTC]    <Juniper> Hi Mango
[2025/02/09, 17:01:52 UTC]    *** <Prairiesky> left the game.
[2025/02/09, 17:04:06 UTC]    *** <Mango> left the game.
[2025/02/09, 17:04:08 UTC]    *** <siok> joined the game.
[2025/02/09, 17:05:28 UTC]    *** <siok> left the game. (Broken connection.)
[2025/02/09, 17:07:52 UTC]    *** <Mango> joined the game.
[2025/02/09, 17:08:51 UTC]    *** <Feral> left the game.
[2025/02/09, 17:11:11 UTC]    # Server: Someone has plane shifted.
[2025/02/09, 17:20:17 UTC]    *** <Quiet> left the game.
[2025/02/09, 17:22:13 UTC]    # Server: Someone has plane shifted.
[2025/02/09, 17:27:00 UTC]    *** <Mango> left the game.
[2025/02/09, 17:32:45 UTC]    *** <black_worker> joined the game.
[2025/02/09, 17:44:11 UTC]    # Server: Someone has plane shifted.
[2025/02/09, 17:44:36 UTC]    *** <Mango> joined the game.
[2025/02/09, 17:49:05 UTC]    # Server: An enthusiastic <Mango> didn't take any prisoners from an Iceland Native.
[2025/02/09, 17:49:25 UTC]    *** <Quiet> joined the game.
[2025/02/09, 17:50:44 UTC]    # Server: A Swinepig got himself some serious hurt from an offended <Juniper>'s 'Iron Sword'.
[2025/02/09, 17:53:00 UTC]    # Server: An Iceland Native fell apart under <Mango>'s attack.
[2025/02/09, 17:55:30 UTC]    # Server: You can get information about a node using the node inspector tool.
[2025/02/09, 17:59:47 UTC]    # Server: Someone has plane shifted.
[2025/02/09, 18:00:01 UTC]    # Server: Nightly restart in 13 hours.
[2025/02/09, 18:03:05 UTC]    *** <Mango> left the game.
[2025/02/09, 18:08:05 UTC]    *** <Quiet> left the game.
[2025/02/09, 18:09:30 UTC]    *** <black_worker> left the game.
[2025/02/09, 18:22:53 UTC]    *** <hlqkj> joined the game.
[2025/02/09, 18:23:06 UTC]    *** <hlqkj> left the game.
[2025/02/09, 18:23:07 UTC]    <Juniper> Hello Hili :)
[2025/02/09, 18:23:56 UTC]    *** <hlqkj> joined the game.
[2025/02/09, 18:24:04 UTC]    <Juniper> Hello Hili :)
[2025/02/09, 18:24:12 UTC]    <kievski> Hi hlqkj
[2025/02/09, 18:24:21 UTC]    <hlqkj> Hello!! :)
[2025/02/09, 18:24:33 UTC]    <hlqkj> Quick visit
[2025/02/09, 18:26:54 UTC]    # Server: Player <Juniper> claimed <bvhcgcgdt123>'s old bones at (Outback: -60,68,37) with 8 stacks.
[2025/02/09, 18:29:15 UTC]    # Server: Player <Juniper> claimed <pepapig>'s old bones at (Outback: -60,70,-86) with 9 stacks.
[2025/02/09, 18:38:04 UTC]    <hlqkj> See you later :)
[2025/02/09, 18:38:08 UTC]    <kievski> bye
[2025/02/09, 18:38:09 UTC]    <Juniper> bb
[2025/02/09, 18:38:33 UTC]    *** <hlqkj> left the game.
[2025/02/09, 18:39:53 UTC]    * <Juniper> AFK
[2025/02/09, 18:41:57 UTC]    *** <test63> left the game.
[2025/02/09, 18:42:02 UTC]    # Server: A Dungeon Master fell apart under a sulky explorer's attack.
[2025/02/09, 18:46:29 UTC]    *** <Dave> joined the game.
[2025/02/09, 18:46:41 UTC]    <Dave> Hello
[2025/02/09, 18:46:48 UTC]    <kievski> Hi
[2025/02/09, 18:51:56 UTC]    *** <Feral> joined the game.
[2025/02/09, 18:54:20 UTC]    # Server: Someone has plane shifted.
[2025/02/09, 18:55:09 UTC]    # Server: Someone has plane shifted.
[2025/02/09, 19:00:06 UTC]    # Server: Nightly restart in 12 hours.
[2025/02/09, 19:02:23 UTC]    # Server: Someone has plane shifted.
[2025/02/09, 19:08:06 UTC]    # Server: Someone has plane shifted.
[2025/02/09, 19:08:30 UTC]    *** <CinnamonCrisp> joined the game.
[2025/02/09, 19:08:35 UTC]    <Dave> Hello
[2025/02/09, 19:08:40 UTC]    <Feral> hey Dave
[2025/02/09, 19:08:46 UTC]    <CinnamonCrisp> hi
[2025/02/09, 19:08:55 UTC]    <Dave> When does the outback restart
[2025/02/09, 19:09:29 UTC]    <Feral> u got a calendar?
[2025/02/09, 19:09:41 UTC]    <Dave> I see...
[2025/02/09, 19:09:57 UTC]    <Feral> whats it say?
[2025/02/09, 19:10:04 UTC]    <Dave> 6 days
[2025/02/09, 19:10:15 UTC]    <Feral> then prolly about 7
[2025/02/09, 19:10:58 UTC]    # Server: Someone has plane shifted.
[2025/02/09, 19:18:41 UTC]    *** <Feral> left the game.
[2025/02/09, 19:19:14 UTC]    # Server: Being hurt reduces your ability to sprint and jump.
[2025/02/09, 19:25:17 UTC]    <Dave> Where's the orekii guards
[2025/02/09, 19:29:30 UTC]    <LGNWolfChaser> They've unionised and are on strike
[2025/02/09, 19:32:03 UTC]    # Server: Blackbox detected. <CinnamonCrisp> passed on at (Overworld: -3010,64,-13135).
[2025/02/09, 19:32:03 UTC]    # Server: <CinnamonCrisp> was uncivilly abolished by a fuming Giant White Wolf.
[2025/02/09, 19:32:19 UTC]    <Dave> You okay
[2025/02/09, 19:44:32 UTC]    # Server: An angry <Dave> used a Black-Hearted Oerkki for weapons practice with his 'Diamond Sword'.
[2025/02/09, 19:45:42 UTC]    # Server: A Black-Hearted Oerkki failed to avoid an incensed <Dave>'s oncoming weapon.
[2025/02/09, 19:47:45 UTC]    *** <Feral> joined the game.
[2025/02/09, 19:49:44 UTC]    *** <Mango> joined the game.
[2025/02/09, 19:51:49 UTC]    # Server: Someone has plane shifted.
[2025/02/09, 19:52:00 UTC]    <Dave> RUN!
[2025/02/09, 19:52:06 UTC]    <Juniper> no
[2025/02/09, 19:53:24 UTC]    <Juniper> Why are you doing this?
[2025/02/09, 19:53:41 UTC]    <Mango> i will read later your story in chat history
[2025/02/09, 19:53:52 UTC]    *** <Mango> left the game.
[2025/02/09, 19:53:57 UTC]    <Feral> stop being a noob Dave
[2025/02/09, 19:53:58 UTC]    <Dave> I was testing my arrow
[2025/02/09, 19:54:27 UTC]    <Juniper> Do not forget to plant seedlings again
[2025/02/09, 19:54:32 UTC]    <Dave> Okay
[2025/02/09, 19:56:01 UTC]    # Server: An explorer uncivilly murdered a Dungeon Master with its 'AVRO Arrow'.
[2025/02/09, 19:57:08 UTC]    <LGNWolfChaser> wb Juniper
[2025/02/09, 19:57:17 UTC]    <LGNWolfChaser> Juniper: who's alt are you?
[2025/02/09, 19:57:21 UTC]    <Juniper> ty
[2025/02/09, 19:58:14 UTC]    <Dave> Artillery
[2025/02/09, 19:58:18 UTC]    <LGNWolfChaser> CinnamonCrisp: no petting wolves, they bite!
[2025/02/09, 19:58:31 UTC]    <Dave> No playing with fire arrows
[2025/02/09, 19:58:40 UTC]    <Dave> They will artillery youd
[2025/02/09, 20:00:11 UTC]    # Server: Nightly restart in 11 hours.
[2025/02/09, 20:01:09 UTC]    # Server: Someone has plane shifted.
[2025/02/09, 20:01:22 UTC]    # Server: A Giant White Wolf didn't suspect that <CinnamonCrisp> meant him any evil.
[2025/02/09, 20:01:29 UTC]    # Server: Bonebox detected. <Juniper> threw out the book at (Saravinca: -10872,37,-5706).
[2025/02/09, 20:01:29 UTC]    # Server: <Juniper> fell.
[2025/02/09, 20:01:30 UTC]    # Server: <Juniper> has plane shifted to Outback.
[2025/02/09, 20:01:42 UTC]    <Dave> What happened
[2025/02/09, 20:01:54 UTC]    <Juniper> felt
[2025/02/09, 20:01:56 UTC]    <Dave> What is the saravinca like?
[2025/02/09, 20:02:10 UTC]    <Feral> like the Outback
[2025/02/09, 20:02:15 UTC]    <Feral> but bigger
[2025/02/09, 20:02:17 UTC]    <Dave> But with dirt?
[2025/02/09, 20:02:22 UTC]    <Juniper> like that place, but dangerous
[2025/02/09, 20:02:29 UTC]    <Feral> not really no
[2025/02/09, 20:02:31 UTC]    <Dave> Hm, okay
[2025/02/09, 20:03:33 UTC]    # Server: Player <CinnamonCrisp> claimed her own old bones at (Overworld: -3010,64,-13135) with 66 stacks.
[2025/02/09, 20:04:36 UTC]    <LGNWolfChaser> So there's now 3 realms like outback?!
[2025/02/09, 20:04:45 UTC]    <Dave> 3 more?
[2025/02/09, 20:05:05 UTC]    <LGNWolfChaser> err, 2
[2025/02/09, 20:05:07 UTC]    <Feral> 3 more what?
[2025/02/09, 20:05:17 UTC]    <Dave> Realm portals
[2025/02/09, 20:05:17 UTC]    <LGNWolfChaser> 3 including outback itself
[2025/02/09, 20:05:25 UTC]    <Dave> Yeah
[2025/02/09, 20:05:26 UTC]    <LGNWolfChaser> outback, midfeld and saravinca?
[2025/02/09, 20:05:27 UTC]    <Feral> ah yeah
[2025/02/09, 20:06:27 UTC]    <Dave> Uranium fever
[2025/02/09, 20:06:59 UTC]    <Dave> You can make a power plant with a random german genius
[2025/02/09, 20:07:12 UTC]    # Server: A Black-Hearted Oerkki fell apart under a cross <Dave>'s attack.
[2025/02/09, 20:07:54 UTC]    # Server: <Juniper> has plane shifted to Saravinca.
[2025/02/09, 20:08:18 UTC]    *** <CinnamonCrisp> left the game.
[2025/02/09, 20:08:31 UTC]    <kievski> anybody know or remember what causes dirt to turn sterile after you discover a large deposit of dirt?
[2025/02/09, 20:08:42 UTC]    <Feral> darkness
[2025/02/09, 20:09:18 UTC]    # Server: Player <Juniper> claimed his own fresh bones at (Saravinca: -10872,37,-5706) with 16 stacks.
[2025/02/09, 20:09:19 UTC]    <Dave> I have a question, Is getting a baggle before going to realm a good idea?
[2025/02/09, 20:09:20 UTC]    <Feral> and undergroundness
[2025/02/09, 20:09:41 UTC]    # Server: <Juniper> has plane shifted to Outback.
[2025/02/09, 20:09:46 UTC]    <Feral> depends on what u mean by baggle?
[2025/02/09, 20:09:58 UTC]    <kievski> hmm. so it's ok until it's discovered
[2025/02/09, 20:10:04 UTC]    <Dave> Suitcase, something like that
[2025/02/09, 20:10:09 UTC]    <Feral> thats right kievski
[2025/02/09, 20:10:19 UTC]    <Feral> takes a bit though
[2025/02/09, 20:10:39 UTC]    # Server: An explorer went out of its way to abolish a Dungeon Master with its 'AVRO Arrow'.
[2025/02/09, 20:10:42 UTC]    <Dave> Small baggie
[2025/02/09, 20:10:57 UTC]    <Feral> zip lock?
[2025/02/09, 20:10:59 UTC]    <Dave> Small bag thing
[2025/02/09, 20:11:06 UTC]    <Dave> In this game
[2025/02/09, 20:11:10 UTC]    <Feral> up to u really?
[2025/02/09, 20:11:35 UTC]    <Dave> Okay
[2025/02/09, 20:11:42 UTC]    <Feral> means u have more space to carry stuff, but means u have more to pick up when u collect ur bones
[2025/02/09, 20:11:56 UTC]    <Juniper> Dave: Have you forgotten about the trees?
[2025/02/09, 20:12:22 UTC]    <Dave> Yeah, i don't have the sapling
[2025/02/09, 20:12:36 UTC]    <Dave> I got it
[2025/02/09, 20:14:03 UTC]    *** <Dave> left the game.
[2025/02/09, 20:14:11 UTC]    <Juniper> :(
[2025/02/09, 20:14:36 UTC]    <Feral> did ur mate leave Juniper?
[2025/02/09, 20:15:24 UTC]    *** <Mango> joined the game.
[2025/02/09, 20:15:57 UTC]    <Juniper> He is not my friend. He experienced explosive arrows here, he burned foliage on the trees
[2025/02/09, 20:16:23 UTC]    <Feral> oh dear :( Silly noob
[2025/02/09, 20:20:20 UTC]    # Server: Someone has plane shifted.
[2025/02/09, 20:24:21 UTC]    # Server: Someone has plane shifted.
[2025/02/09, 20:27:59 UTC]    # Server: Someone has plane shifted.
[2025/02/09, 20:29:03 UTC]    *** <Feral> left the game.
[2025/02/09, 20:40:09 UTC]    *** <BLacK99> joined the game.
[2025/02/09, 20:40:09 UTC]    # Server: Player <BLacK99> is engaged in a Survival Challenge.
[2025/02/09, 20:40:15 UTC]    <BLacK99> hi
[2025/02/09, 20:40:58 UTC]    <Juniper> hi. And good luck
[2025/02/09, 20:41:09 UTC]    <BLacK99> thanks Juniper
[2025/02/09, 20:42:48 UTC]    # Server: Some rare foods heal hearts immediately. You may prefer to save these for combat situations.
[2025/02/09, 20:44:04 UTC]    *** <Feral> joined the game.
[2025/02/09, 20:45:05 UTC]    # Server: <BLacK99>'s 'Mithril Sword' apparently wasn't such an unusual weapon after all, as a Black-Hearted Oerkki found out.
[2025/02/09, 20:48:27 UTC]    *** <test63> joined the game.
[2025/02/09, 20:49:39 UTC]    *** <kievski> left the game.
[2025/02/09, 20:50:02 UTC]    # Server: <Juniper> has plane shifted to Saravinca.
[2025/02/09, 20:50:04 UTC]    # Server: A Black-Hearted Oerkki jumped the mad-hatter dance under a furious <BLacK99>'s 'Mithril Sword'.
[2025/02/09, 20:57:56 UTC]    # Server: Blackbox signal detected. <Juniper> met a horrid end at (Saravinca: -10995,-3,-5651).
[2025/02/09, 20:57:56 UTC]    # Server: <Juniper> exploded.
[2025/02/09, 20:57:58 UTC]    # Server: <Juniper> has plane shifted to Outback.
[2025/02/09, 21:00:15 UTC]    # Server: Nightly restart in 10 hours.
[2025/02/09, 21:01:31 UTC]    # Server: Mapgen scrambling. Blame <BLacK99> for lag. Chunks: 5.
[2025/02/09, 21:03:25 UTC]    # Server: A Stone Golem danced himself to death under an explorer's craftily wielded 'Mithril Pickaxe'.
[2025/02/09, 21:04:07 UTC]    # Server: An explorer sent a Stone Golem to that place where kindling wood isn't needed.
[2025/02/09, 21:05:12 UTC]    *** <ERNES> joined the game.
[2025/02/09, 21:05:19 UTC]    # Server: <ERNES> was kicked off the server.
[2025/02/09, 21:05:19 UTC]    *** <ERNES> left the game.
[2025/02/09, 21:06:15 UTC]    # Server: A Stone Golem danced himself to death under an explorer's craftily wielded 'Royal Bow'.
[2025/02/09, 21:07:14 UTC]    # Server: A Stone Golem didn't get out of a furious explorer's way in time.
[2025/02/09, 21:07:26 UTC]    <Juniper> What armor is not sensitive to DM attacks?
[2025/02/09, 21:08:15 UTC]    <BLacK99> Juniper: I think best armor for explosion and range protection is mithryl
[2025/02/09, 21:08:17 UTC]    <Feral> oops
[2025/02/09, 21:08:35 UTC]    <Juniper> :(
[2025/02/09, 21:10:22 UTC]    # Server: Mapgen scrambling. Blame <BLacK99> for lag. Chunks: 5.
[2025/02/09, 21:12:08 UTC]    # Server: A displeased explorer's 'Royal Bow' apparently wasn't such an unusual weapon after all, as a Giant White Wolf found out.
[2025/02/09, 21:12:11 UTC]    # Server: An Iceland Native did the mad hatter dance just before being slaughtered with <test63>'s 'Diamond Sword'.
[2025/02/09, 21:13:22 UTC]    # Server: A PO'ed explorer clonked a Stone Golem over the head using its 'Royal Bow' with silent skill.
[2025/02/09, 21:13:23 UTC]    # Server: An Iceland Native jumped the mad-hatter dance under a vehement <test63>'s 'Diamond Sword'.
[2025/02/09, 21:15:12 UTC]    # Server: A bitter explorer made sure a Stone Golem didn't see that coming!
[2025/02/09, 21:24:15 UTC]    # Server: A Stone Golem played dead. Permanently.
[2025/02/09, 21:24:50 UTC]    *** <BLacK99> left the game.
[2025/02/09, 21:25:53 UTC]    # Server: A Stone Golem never saw what hit him.
[2025/02/09, 21:27:30 UTC]    # Server: A Stone Golem made no real attempt to get out of an offended explorer's way.
[2025/02/09, 21:29:34 UTC]    # Server: An explorer made a splortching sound with a Stone Golem's head.
[2025/02/09, 21:36:38 UTC]    # Server: An explorer successfully got a Stone Golem to complain of a headache.
[2025/02/09, 21:40:47 UTC]    # Server: An explorer didn't take any prisoners from a Stone Golem.
[2025/02/09, 21:43:56 UTC]    # Server: A Stone Golem collapsed from an explorer's cranky attack.
[2025/02/09, 21:47:50 UTC]    *** <BLacK99> joined the game.
[2025/02/09, 21:47:50 UTC]    # Server: Player <BLacK99> is engaged in a Survival Challenge.
[2025/02/09, 21:52:46 UTC]    *** <Mango> left the game.
[2025/02/09, 21:58:11 UTC]    *** <black_worker> joined the game.
[2025/02/09, 22:00:20 UTC]    # Server: Nightly restart in 9 hours.
[2025/02/09, 22:05:21 UTC]    # Server: The player who farms the wheat has the right to put the wheat in his own chest.
[2025/02/09, 22:08:17 UTC]    *** <Feral> left the game.
[2025/02/09, 22:10:42 UTC]    *** <Prairiesky> joined the game.
[2025/02/09, 22:11:39 UTC]    # Server: A Black-Hearted Oerkki died from a vehement <BLacK99>'s horrid slaying.
[2025/02/09, 22:12:41 UTC]    *** <Juniper> left the game.
[2025/02/09, 22:17:46 UTC]    *** <BLacK99> left the game.
[2025/02/09, 22:18:45 UTC]    *** <Juniper> joined the game.
[2025/02/09, 22:33:45 UTC]    <Juniper> bye guys!
[2025/02/09, 22:33:53 UTC]    <Prairiesky> bye!
[2025/02/09, 22:34:03 UTC]    *** <Juniper> left the game.
[2025/02/09, 22:42:53 UTC]    *** <quimby> joined the game.
[2025/02/09, 22:47:00 UTC]    *** <black_worker> left the game. (Broken connection.)
[2025/02/09, 22:58:44 UTC]    # Server: This message doesn't have any meaning.
[2025/02/09, 23:00:25 UTC]    # Server: Nightly restart in 8 hours.
[2025/02/09, 23:05:38 UTC]    *** <test63> left the game.
[2025/02/09, 23:06:20 UTC]    *** <Dave> joined the game.
[2025/02/09, 23:11:20 UTC]    # Server: A Black-Hearted Oerkki didn't suspect that a sulky <Dave> meant him any trouble.
[2025/02/09, 23:12:07 UTC]    # Server: Player <Dave> claimed <traveller>'s old bones at (Outback: -1,0,-27) with 10 stacks.
[2025/02/09, 23:16:30 UTC]    # Server: Blackbox detected. <Dave> croaked at (Outback: -47,69,65).
[2025/02/09, 23:16:30 UTC]    # Server: <Dave> fell.
[2025/02/09, 23:22:39 UTC]    *** <Dave> left the game.
[2025/02/09, 23:45:22 UTC]    *** <ES> joined the game.
[2025/02/09, 23:46:51 UTC]    *** <Karen> joined the game.
[2025/02/09, 23:46:59 UTC]    *** <Karen> left the game.
[2025/02/09, 23:49:10 UTC]    # Server: Someone has plane shifted.
[2025/02/09, 23:53:31 UTC]    *** <Prairiesky> left the game.
[2025/02/10, 00:00:30 UTC]    # Server: Nightly restart in 7 hours.
[2025/02/10, 00:01:18 UTC]    # Server: An Iceland Native failed his weapon checks.
[2025/02/10, 00:01:49 UTC]    # Server: <quimby> used an Iceland Native for weapons practice with its 'Diamond Sword'.
[2025/02/10, 00:05:19 UTC]    # Server: <quimby> took revenge on an Iceland Native.
[2025/02/10, 00:06:42 UTC]    # Server: Nothing responding? That's because I'm AFK!
[2025/02/10, 00:07:29 UTC]    # Server: Someone has plane shifted.
[2025/02/10, 00:09:28 UTC]    # Server: An irate <quimby> took an Iceland Native by surprise.
[2025/02/10, 00:13:55 UTC]    *** <tree> joined the game.
[2025/02/10, 00:16:14 UTC]    *** <tree> left the game.
[2025/02/10, 00:25:01 UTC]    # Server: Someone has plane shifted.
[2025/02/10, 00:27:18 UTC]    *** <hlqkj> joined the game.
[2025/02/10, 00:45:06 UTC]    <ES> kello hlqkj
[2025/02/10, 00:45:24 UTC]    <hlqkj> Hello
[2025/02/10, 00:47:08 UTC]    # Server: Someone has plane shifted.
[2025/02/10, 00:48:39 UTC]    # Server: Someone has plane shifted.

Displaying log from today.